Meet The Team
Clinical staff at Coldwater are licensed therapists or registered associates. Each clinician has their own special areas of counseling expertise and interest. Most are trained in the depth psychology of C. G. Jung, and all are skilled in various other therapeutic modalities.
Our therapists are committed to honor each individual's search for self discovery and need for confidentiality and privacy. Coldwater therapists share a commitment to pursue their own therapy--- so they the are better equipped to focus on serving their clients' concerns instead of their own unresolved conflicts. All our therapists value each person's individual spirituality as important in the journey of self-discovery and healing.
Coldwater Staff
Board of Directors
Steven Galipeau M. A., M. Div. ~ President
Joel Elkins, J. D. ~ Treasurer
Marlene Frantz, M.A., LMFT ~ Secretary
Rob Monn
Matt van Onselen
Work with Us
A central part of Coldwater's mission is to provide education and training in the practice of depth psychotherapy to those on our staff who provide these services. We have certified Jungian analysts and analytically oriented therapists associated with us who provide supervision that integrates the approaches of depth psychology to clinical practice.
Please note: We hire registered associates (AMFTs, ACSWs) and licensed therapists. We are not a training/practicum site. All clinicians must have completed a degree and be registered or licensed with a board such as the BBS or BoP.
Therapists who have had their own analytical work and continue to be in some form of analysis or depth psychotherapy that is acceptable to CCC may qualify for a staff position at Coldwater Counseling Center. The training part of our mission is designed to provide therapists who have been in some form of their own depth psychological process the opportunity to integrate this experience into their ongoing clinical work with patients.
Because we offer our services to the community on a sliding scale basis in order to make them as affordable as possible to the public, a staff position does not offer significant financial reward. Those who work for us are augmenting their private practice or other employment for the primary purpose of gaining further clinical experience and analytic supervision as well as some additional income. Our supervisors provide their services to us at a reduced rate.
Application Process
If you are interested in working at Coldwater Counseling Center, please send a resume and cover letter to Coldwater Counseling Center at The cover letter can be from one to two pages and should describe how you became interested in depth psychology, how you came into you own analytical/psychotherapeutic process, some of the issues and themes that you have addressed, and how you envision yourself as a practicing therapist in the future.