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Symbolic Life Newsletter

Winter Solstice 2023
By Steven Galipeau, MA, MDiv, LMFT A few weeks ago my wife went into our garden and came upon a praying mantis. It was a striking and...
Fall 2023 Newsletter
The Symbolic Life by Steve Galipeau, Coldwater Counseling Center President The world is heating up in such a way that it is surprising if...
Summer 2022 Newsletter
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE In the Hebrew story of the Exodus the catalyst for the call of Moses to rescue his people from the tyranny of Pharaoh...
Winter 2021 Newsletter
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE In the Winter 2013 Newsletter we reflected on tree symbolism in light of how popular Christmas trees are this time of...
Summer 2021 Newsletter
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE As we move more deeply into the summer we encounter some of our deeper collective conundrums, in particular the...
How Turtle Flew South for the Winter
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2020) It was the time of year when the leaves start to fall from the aspens. Turtle was walking around when he...
Our Gilgamesh Dilemma
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2020) Ironically, I began last summer’s newsletter with this statement: “We have had a challenging year on...
The Pull Together Morning
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2019) In the beginning of the world, there was no sun in the sky. Everyone was falling into holes, bumping...
Captain Marvel
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2019) We have had a challenging year on many levels from politics to the environment. On the political side...
Raven Brings the Light
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2017) Long ago when the world was young, the earth and all living creatures were shrouded in the darkness. It...
Wonder Woman: The Amazon Archetype
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2017) Many of us are in shock after last Fall's elections and the way the year has gone so far in regard to...
Santa Claus: Giving in a Sacred Way
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2016) The true story of Santa Claus begins with a man named Nicholas who was born during the third century in...
The Archetype of the Apocalypse
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2016) Beginning in January of 1995 Jungian Analyst Edward Edinger began a lecture series on the Archetype of...
Two Kinds of Thinking
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2015) As C. G. Jung developed his own psychology of the unconscious independent of Freud he described two...
Confronting our Jurassic World
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2015) With our summer films in full swing, it has struck me how the mythos in the most popular film so far,...
Transformation and Renewal
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2014) In past years we have usually published a summer newsletter that we send out by email. In the summer of...
Tree Symbolism
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2013) In the summer newsletter I spoke about the tragedy of the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman incident,...
The Dilemma of Taking Our Imagined Fears as Real
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2013) The cultivation of an inner symbolic life helps bridge the pole between two realities, the world about...
The Dark Knight Rises
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2012) The world today hangs by a thin thread; and that thread is the human psyche. These frequently quoted...
The Sun, the Son, and the Evergreen
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2011) The Winter Solstice season marks the convergence of a plethora of symbolic practices that are quite...
Myth in Film
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Summer 2011) This summer we have been treated to an assortment of fantasy/adventure movies. Some are fast paced and...
The Lumen Naturae
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2010) When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey, each summer my siblings and I had the special pleasure of...
The Deathly Hallows
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2009) During the summer solstice we celebrate the power and strength of the sun, a symbol for the light of...
Virginia's Big Question
THE SYMBOLIC LIFE (Winter 2008) The Solstice Season is the time of year when our culture most deeply responds to the need for the...
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